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Food grade carbon dioxide
Category :
Chemical Products
Business Group:
Chemical Products
Hesheng Gases
Product Type:
Chemical Products
Contact Us
Hesheng Gases: 0086-591-62996886
The purity of medical oxygen (O2 )≥is 99.5% oxygen, colorless and odorless, mainly used for respiratory and medical purposes. The medical oxygen of Hesheng Gas is a Refrigeratedlow-temperature cryogenic liquid oxygen obtained by separating the oxygen the air separation unit from the atmosphere.
- Beer and beverage sector: as a food grade additive.
- Preservation of corrosion and freshness: further processing into dry ice. Applications in cold chain transportation, refrigeration and freezing of food, vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals.
- Industrial raw materials: used as an important raw material for the production of synthetic methanol, nano calcium carbonate, degraded plastics, acetic acid, dimethyl carbonate, monocyanamide and other chemicals.
- CO2 gas fertilizer: as a raw material for plant photosynthesis, CO2 gas fertilizer is one of the key projects promoted by the national "Ninth Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological achievements.
- Dry ice cleaning: It is used to clean dirt, oil and residual impurities from the surface of objects. It does not cause any harm to the surface of the object to be cleaned (especially the metal surface) and does not affect the finish of the metal surface. It achieves a fast, efficient, safe and energy-saving cleaning effect.
- Fire extinguishing agent: for the production of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent. Industrial welding: CO2 shield welding.
- Tertiary oil recovery: carbon dioxide throughput not only increases oil, but also improves crude oil recovery, and increases with the amount injected.
- Others: It can also be used as a food puffing agent and a relaxing agent.
Packaging, storage and transportation
Transported by special liquid CO2 tanker.
Medical oxygen

Time of issue:2020-12-20 22:27:06