Ammonium Sulfate
Contact Us
Shenyuan New Materials: +86 021 6420 2916
Fibrant (the Netherlands):
Fibrant (Nanjing): +86 25 5864 1966
Fibrant (Shanghai): +86 021-6420-2916/2912
Product Introduction
Ammonium sulfate (AS) is colorless crystal or white granule.
This water-soluble product is excellent nitrogenous fertilizer and needs to be stored in a dry place.
Boasting AS products of various grades, we provide solutions for the different portfolios of each product and its application.
Product Features
Hard granules: remaining intact during storage and transportation.
Pure crystalline products: obtaining stable and lasting quality (no heavy metals).
Ideal mixed ingredients: dose not interact with MBPT or other inhibitors.
Product Patent
Ammonium Sulfate licenses
Ammonium sulfate (AS) Technology in Fibrant
- Producing high-purity crystals of various grades
- Consuming almost zero energy during production
- Operating in conjunction with HPOplus®.